
  • Data-driven water management

Parameter estimation of hydrologic/hydraulic models using a likelihood function for censored and binary observations
[Water Research]
The potential of knowing more: a review of data-drivenurban water management
[Env. Sc. & Tech. ]
Smart urban water systems: what could possibly go wrong?
[Env. Research Letters]
  • Uncertainty quantification for improved water-resources modeling and decision-making

Copula-based alternative to additive error models –for non-negative and autocorrelated time series in hydrology
[Journal of Hydrology]
Resdiual uncertainty estimation using kNN resampling for single-variable hydrological model outputs
[Hydrology & Earth Sys. Sc.]
Resdiual uncertainty estimation using kNN resampling for multiple-variable hydrological model outputs
[Advances in Water Res.]
  • Other research work

Is flow control in a space-constrained drainage network effective? [Environmental Research]
Accounting for variation in rainfall intensity and surface slope in wash-off modelling
[Water Research]
Comparing approaches to deal with non-gaussianity of rainfall data in radar-gauge rainfall merging
[Water Resources Res.]

PhD thesis

Statistical methods for better hydrologic predictions: Improving parameter and uncertainty estimation [pdf]